Hey Clifton,

Thinking about it, I hope you did not take my comment on your song the wrong way. I absolutely loved it, as I said, and thought it was great. Great song, no question and well performed.

I just get asked by a lot of songwriters in my group to give my opinion on whether something is "too close" because they are actively trying to write songs that sound like hot artists.

So, I know the general rule (and it is tricky) is that if 8 notes in a row are identical (notes and phrasing) or nearly identical, then they can sue you.

So in some instances, my advice to people is "careful now....you're getting close."

So, I thought the song was wonderful, it is just in my gut after doing this a lot that I got that I got this "getting close, better be careful" vibe.

But I could be wrong.

Hope that makes sense and helps clarify.

I really love your songs man.