Originally Posted By: Teunis
Hi if I understand correctly you want to have say 4 bars of an MP3 then another 4 bars for yourself. You have Reaper check https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ilX2FOyu_Ts Kenny Gioia talks about takes and comping. You could do similar.

Hi Tony, Yes you are correct - that is what I'm after. Thanks for the link - I've seen the numerous Kenny Gioia videos - and have watched a few previously but the one you show is the one I need. There are so many of them!

I think this is probably going to be the most suitable way to achieve what I'm after. Do you know if it's possible to set it so that, instead of creating a new take, it lets you overwrite the take (but only if you play something new via MIDI keyboard) after every repeat cycle?



Yamaha Arias YDP-163 Piano, Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 mk2,
PC: i7-3770, 8GB Ram
Software: Band-in-a-Box Pro 2018(v508), Transcribe 8.6 , Reaper 5.7