Originally Posted By: Phil Leith
Thanks Tom. Yes, Bob was telling me about Ozone. Looks like it's a bit pricey... but I do know that my mastering of mastering is less than embryonic. I can clean up a track pretty well, but I have no clue what I'm doing even with using a compressor. I just picked a setting on XComp that had the word "Mastering" in it.

My tracks tend to have spikes of loudness in the vocals, leaving the rest of the track quiet. When you listen to, say, one of Floyd's tracks, the evenness of the volume just grabs you. Not quite Phil Spector, but that's not always what you want. :-D (But THIS one goes to ELEVEN!)

I've yet to learn how to use RMS tools to help out with that.
Phil, you should try Waves vocal rider. Get it when it goes on sale for 29 bucks. It will smooth out those vocal peaks automatically. Tom