I got BIAB in 2004 and installed it on my old slow-mo PC. We moved house in 2006 and lots of stuff either got binned by mistake or just simply disappeared in the move. (Not only BIAB but if my Cakewalk GT Pro2 ever crashes - I'm stuffed!!)
My son James, built me a new PC (this one) in 2008 and transferred everything over by jumpering from one HD to another. As far as I can tell, cos I dont look under the bonnet unless the engine is clunking, its always been like this - but then again it might not. I wasnt on hand when James did his thing - its beyond me so I went and had a cuppa whilst he did whatever he had to do!! Nobody died so I guess it went OK. LOL!!
What I WOULD like is for everything to be where it should be and my Real Tracks guitars, and pedal to actually work. Real drums do - no problem.

Old Guys Rule.The older I get,the better I was!
BB2023 ULTRA, 1013, Win 7 and 10

ALL TRACKS - https://app.box.com/s/501rnzrbadng1elvi45hbf7y08kl5oxp
SOUNDCLOUD-tracks using BB-