Originally Posted By: Marty Sorensen
Yes, the final chord, because it ends like Vietnam, just going on, the final chord still there when it 's only a phantom. I still remember the face of the guy who said, they killed my brother, so I'm going over there.

Thanks for having a listen, Marty...

Originally Posted By: tommyad
floyd, The sound you get is always crisp, clean and well balanced. Good choice of instruments and you skillfully added them as the build progressed. The write was advanced considering your age at the time. It shows that you were not immune to the collective feeling at the time of loss of innocence. Your chorus brings that across with some stark images. I was in my teens and twenties at that time and looking back I can say with certainty that the war affected every single person that I knew in one way or another. You have left no doubt that it affected you. Beautifully done, Tom

Tom - thanks for such a fine review. I've been working more on the sound/processing of the acoustic guitars to get them to "sit just right" - to cut through the mix, crisp and clear, and still be "subtle". I, too, was in my teens and early twenties then. It was dramatic times.