Ok...when I see terms like "Chillout" and "Dubstep" In a Floyde Jane song...you can understand where for the first time in a while; I really didn't have an expectation of how it would sound. "Straight conviction" I expect in any song of yours though wink

Man, you knocked it out of the park. I think you made the loops work really well; and still managed to keep "you." It's like a fresh take on something you already love. It's not giving up on anything you've done to only be this. Both is such a cool answer.

The orchestration and arrangement to give the song movement was awesome in my book.

The syncopation created by a combination of word choice AND delivery was impressive!

Then contrasted by the held out chorus (nice melodic and harmonic supoort choices btw) really makes the song work. Again, word choice was brilliant for the melodic content of being held out.

Thank you for making this song. It's says SO MUCH beyond the words and music you have written. Class, Floyd. You both teach it and have it.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.