Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
" it was apparent that more is actually less..." We could not agree more. As I often quote "perfection is approached not when there is nothing left to add -- but rather when there is nothing left to take away."

That reminds me of the quote often (mis?)attributed to Albert Einstein: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

We think that your choice of tracks and mix is excellent and well support your vocal. Most of the vocal processing is above my pay grade but whatever you did sounds fine to us.

Thanks, coming from you that means a lot. laugh

I rarely every use a complete style...they are cool jumping off places but, man, are there a lot of options after that!

Yeah, there's really an embarrassment of riches in the options that are available.

PPS You mentioned losing comments on a new upload. You can use the replace file option and keep everything else. FWIW

I'll check that out. I think it's only available in the paid version of SoundCloud.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?