My friend Jonathan Rauch has just published a book with St. Martin's called "The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After 50."

A short version of the dynamic social message he has tapped into could be: "After the age of 40 you don't care so much about pleasing other people and can feel free to be yourself. That is when you can really hit your stride."

I think this idea is important.

I know a lot of people who are doing their best work in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and older.

They are starting companies, writing books and music, inventing things--going gangbusters.

Since I know a lot of people like this and run in a crowd of entrepreneurs and artists of all ages, I can say that I have seen a few common denominators among people who are doing great and amazing things in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and up.

1.) They have an incredible sense of self confidence.

2.) They take care of their bodies and their minds.

3.) They realize the best is yet to be.

4.) They believe in themselves and have a huge love of life.

5.) They have a huge network.

6.) They are good to people and this earns them a lot of friends.

6.) They are compassionate and help others.

7.) They refuse to listen to "negatrons" or negative people. In their minds, negative people are the only real losers and they don't have time for that.

8.) They do what they love and love what they do.

I know a lot of people like this. I am surrounded by them. I work with them.

I say whatever your aspirations are, in any field, no matter your age is, do it. Do it now.

In music, my God, this is the age of the independent artist.

Some people keep talking on this forum about "commercial" success, or lack thereof, whatever that means. People, labels are going under. It is irrelevant. If there ever was a time to be an independent artist this is it. Yeah, we don't expect to play Madison Square Garden, but then again we don't believe in the Easter Bunny either. That doesn't mean we can't collaborate with 50 other positive, life-affirming independent artists and have the time of our lives.

See bullet points above.

And don't listen to negatrons. Just don't listen to them.

Go. Do it. These years could be your very, very best.

Do it now.

Those are my thoughts.

Gotta run.