Originally Posted By: Achordocaster
Hey Floyd,
This was really cool! For never having done the loop thing I think you did great! I loved the mix. The vocals/background vocals were very cool (nice job Janice). I've never done any recording with loops... This makes me wanna mess around with 'em.

Nice Job!


PS I have a new song I'll be posting soon. grin

Thanks, Greg. The loops thing was fun to have a go at. Don't think it will become my main thing, though... but it does have potential to add new things to the usual way of doing things...

Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss

You pulled it off man! It's certainly a much different sound than I'm used to hearing from you but it's very well done! I really like the background vocal work going on in here! Nice use of effects all around and that hook in the chorus is great! Thanks, Torrey

I appreciate that, Torrey. Thanks for the bump!