Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Hey Ray,

This has a Bowie feel to me, music-wise.

The vocals definitely need to come up.

I would double or triple the drum tracks.

The bass needs to be a lot fatter with the bottom end shaved off some so it really cuts through

I try and go through this check list with all of my songs and felt it might be helpful.

Good work in progress.

Songwriting and Mixing Cheklist

Thanks David,

Another Bowie reference is nice. It does suggest that Magazine weren't very well known or I'm a LONG way from hitting my target...

The vocals, being my three note extended range, are deliberately held back. I know my limitations and chief among those is an inability to actually sing. I will, however, have a listen & try to find the cringe threshold.

Doubling/tripling a drum track would merely make it twice or thrice as loud unless there are different treatments on each. Being that this is a BIAB stereo track that could be a possibility with one heavily compressed and EQd then used like a Motown Exciter track. Chief problem for me is the dominance of the high hat which I've had to address with EQ. I have plenty of headroom in the mix so will solo the drums then rhythm buss to consider an increase to the levels &/or a little EQing.

The bass has a low pass, a slight bump for definition and some mud removed as well as some "treatment" in the chorus but I'll have another squiz. Sorry - High Pass filter not low pass.

I had a look at the checklist - interesting, thanks.

Last edited by rayc; 06/06/18 12:26 PM. Reason: Silly mistake

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