Originally Posted By: cliftond
Guys, I think most of us on this forum are adults, that is the problem with hit songs, we like true music. I think that if Spotify, Amazon, itunes would focus some on the adult generation, they could still sale music to us. I would buy songs that are like the forum here puts out and many of my Soundcloud friends write. The market is still here, just not being used. I dont need to buy a song from the 70's that I already have, they only want to sell us old songs, we can write and record new songs that are just as good or better than what we grew up with. A hell of a lot better than the crap that is being sold for hits now. Cliff

I noticed you said "most of us on this forum are adults." Realize, I may not qualify. wink

But are you buying or just saying you would? That is the big question that is easily answered. Ad up ALL the money you spent on songs you purchased last year. Compare that to someone who consumes what is on the charts or even the college music scene. I don't know this; but am guessing they probably spend more than you do. As a business, that's what they look at. Period. Not should's or would's, reality. But there is GREAT news...

It doesn't have to be on the charts for you to buy it. There are songs in whatever genre you like, that are new songs, available for purchase right now. Ask some of the other members of the forum and you will find some that seek out what they like and will tell you it's more available now than ever.

There is no shortage of new music in any genre.

There's also no shortage of people willing to complain that music isn't what it used to be; and that they don't make it like they used to. They do though! I find that fascinating.

Last edited by HearToLearn; 06/14/18 04:30 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.