Originally Posted By: PeterF
Robert, Janice and Bud

A unique delight. Some beautiful prose (worth reading on it's own) set to music. You simply can't go wrong with Janice singing (she nailed it but that's kind of expected) and I liked the bits where Robert comes in for some harmony. A wonderful production and no doubt Bud's encouragement (and his recording of Janice) were of great assistance.
Wonderful work from all involved.


Thanks for the very positive review!
I`ve been working on the harmonies a bit lately, so its good to hear they sound ok.
I guess the best encouragement any songwriter can have is for musicians you respect saying they want to record your song... my hat`s off to Janice & Bud for that gift.

Originally Posted By: Scott C
What a cool story in these lyrics. Your creativity is just mind-blowing. Man does this bring up excellent visuals of the situations in the story.

Janice was a perfect choice to sing the song. Her delivery to the song to the awesome level.

The backtrack as very cool as well. Loved the Dobro. Do not have one of those but I have my eye on a lap steel.. :-)

Well done Robert and Janice..

Thank you, Scott.
The story kind of wrote itself in my mind as I read the book ( only the horses` name is a copy from that).
Well I for one can`t wait for you to get the lap steel... I listen to the Weissenborn instrumentals all the time.


Originally Posted By: Sundance
Cool song and production. I enjoyed it very much.


Thanks for your listen and comments, Josie.