Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
What a lovely song Robert.

Thanks for the listen, Joanne!

Originally Posted By: rayc
The vocals remind me of Tom Rapp and the more complex melody also gives me flickers of him too.
Lovely stuff.

Thank you for that - will have to check out Tom Rapp`s solo songs ( I remember Pearls Before Swine from way back).

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
“we rolled up the clouds I lost some grey
to the rain and dust our own patch of dirt
in flints and flowers somewhere we dug up
the boy and girl we were”

Robert, this is a stunningly beautiful write. Rich, rich imagery.

The band, your vocal and the production more than do justice to the write.

And the strings were a very special addition.




That last verse is really there cos it would have meaning for my wife ( the song initially had only 3 verses).
Your listens and supportive comments are most appreciated.
