Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Apple is a cloistered world...folks either love it or hate. <...snip...>

I'm pretty indifferent. I have both PC and Apple products.

The computer is a tool, the software is an extension of the tool, whichever gets my particular tasks done well is the one I choose.

There is only one thing I dislike about Apple, and that's the fact that they put too many stumbling blocks in your way to using more than one platform. Like the lightning port. If I want to transfer pictures from my PC to my iPad, why can't I use a standard USB to USB cable instead of that $35.00 USB to Lightning cable?

One of my main tools for making a living is writing styles for BiaB. I've tried it on the Mac, but the StyleMaker for PC has more features and allows me to make better styles. Therefore PC is it.

Making backing tracks for my duo can be done easily on either Mac or PC. There is plenty of software available on both platforms, but since my BiaB work is on the PC, why not use it for the rest of my music apps.

If the software I need was better on the Mac than on the PC, I'd switch in a minute, but so far it isn't. I suppose if I was in the graphics/printing business I'd be Mac based, as they have a better hold on that industry.

I find I like some things better on Windows OS and some things better on the Mac OS, but I use the computer for the available apps, not the OS.

To get back on topic, they are both headed towards either the subscription model, the spyware model, or both.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with liking one OS better than another, it's personal taste. But don't count me as being a fanboy of either.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks