Originally Posted By: Robertkc
Originally Posted By: Al-David
Great collab! Super cool. Now, where the heck did I put those bell bottom jeans? I think Mother Goose would be very happy to hear this smile

Great chops on the guitar and perfect vocal. Great job, gentlemen!


Thanks for that!


Originally Posted By: animarorecords
Hello, Robert and Scott

Simple melody with only 3 notes (E, G, A) is very powerful.
It is wonderful the contrast between Robert's vocal and Scott's guitar.
Really good combination!
You play a janken game in Canada too.
We call "Rock Paper Scissors" "Goo Choki Pah" in Japan.
Paper is the last in calling order.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Hi Shigeki,
There`s no escaping your accurate hearing... yes, its pretty much a three chord song.
I play the game with my son ( he`s really quick, but predictable!) which gave me that part of the song idea.
Thanks for listening.


Originally Posted By: Noel96
Robert and Scott,

I seriously loved this! Full of energy and attitude and a very, very clever and creative use of the of the "Four and Twenty Blackbirds" nursery rhyme.

Robert... I've never heard you sound better!

Scott... your guitar playing (both of them) really sizzled!

Very entertaining in so many ways!

All the best,


There`s a few more bells & whistles on the vocal than I usually add, which might be why I sound better!
I`m glad you were entertained by our collab.


Originally Posted By: RnAM
This is such a creative piece of music. Progressive Rock, Roxy Music and other 70s/80s influences.
Good work as always!

Thanks for the listen and likes!

Originally Posted By: Steve Young
Great collab! Love the guitars. Very clever write. Very well done!


I appreciate your thumbs up, Steve.


Originally Posted By: tommyad
That is some impressive performances from you both in a genre that is not much heard anymore. This trippy psychedelic thing that you guys got going is even better than what was back in the day. Great write and Scott’s guitars are the perfect fit. Nice one, Tom

I actually had no idea there were all these 1969 redux songs lurking in my head `til the first collab with Scott happened...just have to go with it until the mine is done I suppose.I can`t speak for Scott, but my contributions are fueled by nothing stronger than Earl Grey tea!
Thanks for your listen and comments.


Thanks Tom As with Robert I believe my inspirations for these tunes are residual effects of my overuse of Ibuprofin :-)

Scott Collingwood