Thanks for the feedback.

I'm going to try to rework this a bit. Speed it up by about 5bpm, and go back and re-do all the vocals. For all the compliments on the harmonies there are places where they're not up to the tightness I want. And I'm kind of a trial and error guy when it comes to these things. I'm not kidding when I say I really don't know what I'm doing, I just know what I like when I hear it.

I like a lot of the Brent licks... and I haven't found anything else that comes close to what I'm looking for. I really did want something a little gritty to contrast with the syrupy sweetness of the rest of it. Kind of like hops in beer, or sour in "sweet and sour", tannins in red wine. Something to make it sound a little less like a church hymn and more like a pop-ish song.

I hate to go back to the "Dire" licks I used on "Alive", but that's the only other thing I've heard that comes close.

I did, last night, regenerate some of the Brent stuff but it was WAYYYYY over the top. That being said, the stage is set for a re-do.

This is what the listening to it over and over for days is for. Figure out what I like and don't like and what I'd do differently.

Thanks again, I'll let you know when I have whatever it is I come up with.