Originally Posted By: Noel96
You've done a great job writing and presenting this. Everything sits together very well in my headphones as I'm listening this morning.

I found the overall sound very haunting. Even now, 10 minutes after the song has stopped playing, I can still here the chorus in my mind. It's easy to hear that a lot of careful consideration has gone into creating the final production.

I really like how you sang "Say goodbye to love" followed immediately by a repetition of the phrase with a slightly altered syllabic emphasis. That's a pretty advanced lyric writing technique and you've used it very well indeed!

All the best with the competition,

Thanks Noel, I always appreciate your positive feedback laugh I'm glad you noticed that altered emphasis. Originally (in my dream) the same emphasis was used twice, but I wanted to give it some variation and to avoid possible copying of some other song melody. But whatever you write, it always feels like it has been done before smile


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