Thanks for the info and the kind words, Jim.

I am just about ready to give up on the VST's. My experiences have not been good. I tried to download some free stuff from IK (Sample Tank). I did exactly what they recommended, nothing custom. There were parts of the program all over my hard drive and I couldn't get any of it to work. I just deleted all of it.

I found some things in my VST folder that had the BB logo beside them. They don't work either.

So, I just did it the old fashioned way. I got out my bass, learned the part BB midi had written, got a tone I liked, practiced and put it down. But it took all afternoon. How much easier it would have been to get a bass VST and use the midi track.

This is partially my fault. There are way too many terms that I don't know. When people explain things on the forum, I am still lost. I have not found any place I can learn about this and find out why it isn't working for me. The Berklee course doesn't address it.

I hate to start learning a new DAW but I may have to go through the Reaper videos that Gioia does. They are pretty good. Maybe that will work for me. Although, one of the early lessons has downloading a VST for piano. Guess what? I couldn't get it to work.

My offer stands: If someone is willing to use remote access, figure out what is wrong and teach me, I am willing to pay. Otherwise, I'm stuck, at least for now.

Again, thanks to Jim and all of you. You really are great people. There are about 10 of you that are dedicated to helping the rest of us, and I appreciate you.


i5-3210 laptop. Win 10 Home. 2.5ghz, 64 bit. 6gb RAM. Focusrite Scarlet 2i2.