Originally Posted By: Tano Music
I just came to the conclusion that several songs that I had wrestled with to complete, then hesitantly put in the 'well, now that's finally done!' pile, needed to be pulled off that stack and either torn up, submitted for major surgery, or stored in the "come back to this later" file.

I found it a bit discouraging. They are mostly songs that I found pretty challenging to finish up--maybe the lyric was forced, maybe too 'cute' in the composition and it never came off as planned--whatever. I guess the emotional attachment to 'my babies' makes it tough to turn my back on them.

I like working on new stuff, but now I feel like I need to do some major renovation.

Anyway, anyone want to chime in on this topic?--you've put a lot of work into something that you were originally excited about, then, after lots of effort, you conclude that it just didn't work out and it's best just to 'walk away'.

Been there done that! I have worked on a either a complete song or a track/part of a song for many hours only to listen to it the next day with fresh ears and say "what the hell was I thinking".

Don't be discouraged as it happens to all of us. Sometimes it is best to post what you have, say that you are having problems with it, and ask for help. No one here will laugh or make fun of you as this is the nicest forum on the Internet, period. Plus you will get many suggestions on now to make that song better. Trust me, been there and done that also.

My goal this weekend is to move just enough each day so that no one pokes me to see if I'm dead or not.

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware