Could be but I've read conflicting posts about how much ram is needed to generate RT's. All I know for 20 some years now is put in as much ram as you can afford.

A few more points to make. Years ago I found out about all the bloatware the PC makers put on their machines so I started building my own. Then I found out the guys at all the independent computer stores will take your components and build it for you pretty cheap. I'll read about different combinations of CPU/Mobo/Ram along with the case and buy what I think is the best bang for the buck from Tiger Direct or somewhere at the time. I just had a brand new machine built at Fry's 3 months ago for business. If you buy everything from them they'll put it together for you for $85. It's an AMD Ryzen with a gaming mobo and 16 gigs ram with room for 64. I also bought the enterprise version of Win 10 Pro. I'm not an enterprise but I simply asked the tech about it and he signed a paper that let me pay a discounted price. I don't have any music stuff on it but I can tell just for my business and using the internet it's quite a bit faster than the one I just tested. I should switch machines but that's a hassle and my music PC isn't exactly a dog.

The next point is both machines are clean installs of Win 10 Pro and I don't optimize anything and I mean NOTHING. Lots of folks like to mess with their systems and for me I've learned to leave them alone. When I did this little Biab test the internet was running, my AV was running, everything was running and my audio was perfect, no glitches and you read the generation times.

Is leaving it stock really necessary, I have no idea. Just as an observer (backed up by a comment from Kent a while back) it seems those with the most problems are those who are constantly messing with their systems because they read a tech article. Or, maybe it's just coincidence but my systems work well so why mess with a good thing?

My best advice to folks having these problems is wipe the hard drive, reinstall windows and make the first thing you try out Biab and see what happens. That's your baseline. Clone the HD and then CAREFULLY start reinstalling what you really, truly need and pay attention. Then, don't change a thing leave it alone.

One more thing about generation times. I tested installing everything onto my SSD system drive which of course worked great, then I deleted all the RT/RD's leaving just the Biab program itself on the system drive and running all the RT's from the external drive. Zero difference so may as well save the space on the system drive. Again, the idea is keep the system drive as clean as possible.

One thing rharv talks about and he is a guru on these forums is to point all the DAW/Biab apps to an external drive for rendering audio. He gets much deeper into live recording/mixing and all that than I do but he says it does make a difference.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.