Originally Posted By: Kent - PG Music
Hi Woland99,

It does allow you to choose your input, that "Input Channel for Mono Tracks" setting is the key.

Let's say you want to record only guitar, and it's in input #1. Go to Options - Preferences - Audio, and change the "Input Channel for Mono Tracks" setting to Left. If you want to record only vocals from input 2, select Right.

There's no way to record a stereo track and 2 mono tracks simultaneously, but you can record two stereo tracks, and split the second one to two mono tracks.

In that ASIO Audio Drivers window, hold down Ctrl, and select both pairs of inputs. Then in the Tracks window, set two consecutive tracks' types to "Audio - Stereo", choose the first one, and hit Record. Channels 1 and 2 will go on the first track, 3 and 4 will go on the other. You can then use Edit - Track - "Split a Stereo Track into 2 Mono Tracks" to separate your guitar and vocal tracks.

Alternately, if "Input Channel for Mono Tracks" is set to "1+2 (Two Tracks)", you can record 4 consecutive mono tracks the same way, and use Edit - Track - Merge Two Mono Tracks to Stereo to join the first two.

PG Music

Kent - I admit I may be doing something wrong in RealBand track setup but no matter how I try (setting track to mono and selecting Left or Right for Mono tracks in the wizard I have shown) I cannot get separation - both vocal input in Input 2 on Zoom interface and guitar input on Input 1 are recorded into the track. I have to spend more time with RealBand tutorials but in the worst scenario I have recording case covered - export/drag&drop tracks into Tracktion (either directly from track if that will get fixed at one point or selecting Solo and exporting Master).
For practice I think that there is no avoiding external amp - which is OK - I do not always want to practice with headphones on. I will reply to the other message on that subject once I get that part going.

Last edited by woland99; 10/24/18 12:04 PM.