Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
This is one of those "legacy" things that keeps hanging on from before VST's were supported in Biab. It's been requested many times for about 10 years now.

That and a lot of other "legacy" things

Originally Posted By: jazzmammal

I think the reason it's not a priority is very few users use VST's because they're not GM. Biab is a midi based program using GM. The vast majority of users don't want to mess with manually setting up the instruments for each song. A GM synth does it automatically. If a user also uses a DAW with Biab (most users don't) that user will set up their VST's with their DAW not with Biab. They create the song structure in Biab using a GM synth then export it out to a DAW where all the VST's reside.

Bob, I will respectfully disagree. I think that a lot of users are using a DAW and a lot of users are also manually setting up instruments and using VSTis. With the advent of SFZ and Super MIDI tracks even PGM notices this.

Originally Posted By: jazzmammal

It happens on these forums all the time, a new user has questions, those questions center around DAW functions so the answer is they're better off doing whatever it is in Real Band, not Biab because RB is a DAW. They don't get it, never heard of RB and insist on using Biab anyway for everything. Ok fine but then you're dealing with stuff like this which is one reason RB was created in the first place.

Just use the scrollbar.


I totally agree. Some users insist on using BiaB as a DAW. It is NOT a DAW and hopefully it never will be a DAW. As you said if you are a PC user you have RB. If you are a Mac user you have Garage Band. Plus there are plenty of pro DAWs one can purchase.

BiaB in an accompany backing track generator, period.

You know you're getting old when a recliner and a heating pad is your idea of a hot date!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware