Hello, "Tangmo"...

Oops! I just realized that I addressed your song with the wrong title in my comment laugh !!! Sorry about that.

Just wanted to let you know that "I Was Raised" didn't "rub me the wrong way", as you stated in your response to my post. Actually, I was intrigued by it, because of the contrast between the positive tone of your lyrics, and the somewhat minor-key sound of the music. That's why when I attempted to describe the kind of impact the song had on me, I chose the word "edgy", and remarked that the song seemed to be inhabited by two spirits. In other words, your words implied one thing, one feeling, but the music, and particularly the odd-sounding vocal, seemed almost to mock the tone of the lyrics. That's how I heard it, at least.

And that's what intrigued me. Most songs in the popular market that I've heard, treat a single subject in an exclusive, dedicated fashion throughout their duration. Your song, on the other hand, possessed a kind of duality in its presentation and meaning. That's a pretty cool, pretty off-beat, one-of-a-kind thing to achieve in a song, "Tangmo".

Happy songwriting!


Last edited by bluage; 11/11/18 10:06 AM.

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".