Hi fellows.

I have a question for somebody who had been in (through) my situation.
One of the hardest dilemmas with music for me for past years was making a decision between writing new songs or focus on mixing/polishing new and past material. Most of my tunes are in "sketch" stage. I keep telling myself that when I have more time, I will come back to these sketches and re-write them. Some, I actually do. The most painful part is time. I know that I can write 2-3 song sketches as I do now, with time it will take me to craft the mix of a single tune to the point of it being more or less complete.

I tend to follow this philosophy...Technology is a big friend of creativity. Do not have to go far. I am sure, most of us remember serial port dial-up modems and dual 5" floppy computers (the ones, without the hard drive)... Look at us now! I am not saying that skill is not important, it absolutely is, but I have a feeling that many routine things we do, when recording/mixing will take much less time in not too distant future.

I guess, the core of my question is to people that have more free time now, than they did before. Do you find joy, or at least interest in re-mixing / re-doing of some stuff from the past or it feels more like a fulfilling a commitment?

Thank you,