Originally Posted By: animarorecords

Very nice retirement dream!
Wonderful song!
Your vocal is very hunting.
It is certainly dissonant a little bit as music theory, but bouzouki and the other additional loops are very comfortable.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi


I`m glad you enjoyed my musical retirement dream!


Originally Posted By: Deej56

Really like your vocal on this—subdued but compelling; and an inviting melody. Poetic and engaging lyrics—love the “time for all the nothing I want” line, notwithstanding the opinion of a ten year old, who likely knows better than all of us! From a production standpoint—and this is totally subjective—I’d like to hear this a little cleaner, sans some of the effect you have going on. Just something to thing about—use or lose.

Really liked my listen here. Well done!

Kind regards,


Thank you, Deej.
I get why you`d find some arrangement effects not to your taste. I could have done it much simpler... but since living in SE Asia I`ve had this bug about trying to do East meets West, so had to get it out of my system.
I appreciate your listen and comments.
