Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Love the positive nature of this! The world needs more feel good songs I think smile

This is great, Noel, the mix sounds fabulous through the 'phones. That Bossa percussion track is the cats meow! And that guitar RT sounds great too, very interesting the way you put it together.

And possibly your best vocal performance, especially during the chorus.

My new favorite of yours I think, enjoyed very much!


Thank you for your continued support. I appreciate it. I agree with you about the Bossa percussion track, too. It's great for a singer-songwriter sound that's a little different. For me, the conga Realdrums are a bit like the cello Realtracks, they seem to work with just about everything and I have to throttle back on wanting to use them all the time.

All the best,

Originally Posted By: Tano Music
Noel… I like the way that you built this song… Thanks for explaining your architecture with the loop.. I think that that approach works very well, and probably replicates how someone would actually play, versus an entire track of time repeated sequences, like RTs sometimes yield. I liked your strong, clean vocal, and I especially liked the little tag that you added to the end to wind things up. Great work!

Hi Tano,

Thank you for finding time to have a listen and to comment.

The Joe Robinson Realtrack has many different noise sounds incorporated within it. While it 'worked' OK to generate it for a whole track, I created loops because I wanted to get a little more consistency in sound in this particular instance. I'd never done that before. In Reaper, I also colour coded my chords so that each loop was very easy to identify and it was also easy to see the chord progression at a glance. Then, if I modified a loop, knowing where in the track I needed to place the modification was quick and painless!

Thanks again,

Audiophile BIAB 2024