@jazzmammal you put users off coming to the forum controlling what they can do, where they can do it. I've seen users come here, you come down on them and they never return. I and other users go out of our way to help anyone no matter how stupid the question may sound or what section it is in. You don't want to put them off from ever coming back. It's all you seem to do these days, maybe you just do it for all the attention, that's what trolls do.....
Just feel it from the other person's perspective, don't wait till you leave this world to hit Rewind then Play and watch and experience it all back in HD Surround, experiencing it from the other's perspective as well.
This may go over your head now what I say but during the Playback process it won't, you'll get it then.
I just have a feeling it's the drink doing it.