God, I knew it! I was just waiting!!

I KNEW Caaron Hear to Learn was going to play the voice of the Group Conscience and stand up for the onward evolution of the human species and our Divine right to produce...I don't what, exactly...but something!

And I am on Hear to Learn's side after seeing Bohemian Rhapsody.

What I am Here to Learn is to see if we call all pull together so that next year Chris Stapleton is in drag, and there are a lot of nose rings, and guys in baseball caps in drag kissing one another, and a lot of girl on girl, boy on girl on girl on boy or girl on boy on boy, and some Lady Gaga country, and as much lipstick and glitter as we can get on those baseball caps, with lots of Hip Hop.

Come on you old fuddy duddies!! This is new country! This is America! This is Disney, and it is all about family friendly multi-sexual, gender neutral frolic and fun!

Get with it Herb!

You go Hear to Learn!

You tell 'em man! The kids are all right!


make sure to insert smiley so people don't think I am being sarcastic..


Or will that make them think I am being sarcastic? Mmmmmmmm. Maybe two smileys??

smile smile

Three to be on the safe side? Don't want to get moderated...

smile smile smile