I can't believe how some just don't get what I'm trying to say. Here it is again and it's to you Pipeline.

You keep posting error boxes and crashes yet you never explain exactly what you did to cause that to happen. With all your experience and knowledge and I do admire you for that, haven't you ever been a beta tester for anybody? Don't you know the protocols for reporting stuff like that?

To the comment about me saying people who like to mess with or "customize" their systems with registry hacks and the like also tend to be the ones who have the most problems. That came up in a thread some months ago and Deryk I think it was confirmed that in the thread. As staff, he's trying to be diplomatic but he said basically the same thing. They have to try and diagnose a problem when they're not dealing with a stock Windows system.

2bsolo, why not start a thread in the RB forum about the time stretch? You're thinking RB is messed up, I'm thinking you simply missed a step.

For now, I'll just focus on your issues with Sampletank and you thinking because a few people, again a few not dozens, have said they can't get it to work either which makes you think there must be some problems with using it with PG products.

Yes, it's tricky but that's just digital audio so here's some basic info for you and maybe you already know this or not, I don't know. Start with your OS. Everybody who's using Win 10 is running a 64 bit system. Thousands of programs are 32 bit including Biab/RB. That's no problem, 32 bit programs will run fine on a 64 bit OS. However, speaking specifically of audio DAW's now, a 32 bit host like Biab/RB will not natively run a 64 bit plugin like ST3. ST2 was 32 bit but ST3 is 64 bit only so you need Jbridge to run it.

That's point one where some run into problems. Simply understanding all the nuances of a 64 bit OS running a 32 bit DAW host using a 64 bit plugin can just go over the heads of some people and they never get it. This goes to my oft repeated comment about needing to be a computer nerd to work with digital audio.

Point two is IKM's authorization system. That alone can cause some folks lots of grief. That and how ST installs, that's tricky by itself and has nothing to do with the host such as Biab/RB.

Point three is the confusion between a DXi and a VST. ST will install both but you need to use the VST version, not the DXi version. And that's another thing, you need to know the difference between a DXi and a VST.

Point four is following Biab/RB Help files to first select a VST correctly and second to set it up as your default synth. Just writing these points out is confusing even me, I'm trying to make sure I've got this right.

This is called welcome to digital audio but just because it's confusing and it's sooo easy to misunderstand something and miss a step still doesn't mean there's something wrong with PG's software. Using VST's including ST works fine, there is no inherent problem with it.


Last edited by jazzmammal; 11/19/18 08:29 AM.

Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.