Originally Posted By: Ember - PG Music
Going in to it thinking about a James Bond theme song, this is definitely what I heard as soon as Spellbound loaded and started playing. It has a really smooth feel to it. Love it. Thanks for sharing!

I`m happy I didn`t overreach by saying it was written with Bond in mind -thanks for your comments.

Originally Posted By: bluage
"Robertkc" and "ScottC"...

This "Spellbound" of yours sounds like something out of a dream, wholly created in the imagination. The lyrics are a kaleidoscope of riotous images and deliciously obscure meanings that swept me along on a ride through another reality. As "floydjane" commented, these are "lyrics that take one's mind to a million different places."

It's funny that you wrote that the song is "as close to a James Bond theme song write as I'll probably get", because as I was listening to it I envisioned a boldly colorful, surrealistically composed main title for a movie, such those created by the late Maurice Binder for many of the James Bond films.

Your RealTrack assembly is quite eclectic and offered up a fluid, yet funky rhythmic texture under a hypnotic and mystically harmonized melody.

This is imaginative, heady music-making , gentlemen! Where will you take us forum members next???




I figured the Elephant Train line would be a"what`s that?" moment and left it in ( I believe its a Congolese cocktail served in place of James` martini).
Your reviews are awesome!! I feel honoured to have you describe your impressions of our song in your unique way.


Originally Posted By: Joe -PG Music
Hey Robertkc, this was swell! Good choice of instruments here and very easy to listen to. The drum beat specifically is quite crunchy and good use of effects on the vocals. Well done!

Thanks for the positives, Joe!
