Originally Posted By: Notes Norton

The strong DWI laws have definitely taken their toll on our business.

Yup.... NC was .12 and moved to .10 and there really wasn't a big change.... but when it was dropped to .08... people started to get scared. You lose your license automatically for 10 days and perhaps longer after the judge gets done with you.

The .08 started on January 1 of that year... and I was in a house band at the time. The crowds were noticeably smaller instantly. The NC HP used to set just down the road from the club and pull people over who they saw coming out of the parking lot. I was followed numerous times but wasn't concerned because I had stopped drinking on the job long before the DUI level changed because band members were considered employees of the bar...even though we were sub-contractors .... and the ABC law enforcement was a bigger threat than the NCHP. They could also bust us and the bar.... so we curtailed the drinking to prevent issues.

But I could tell some stories on this before the band learned our lessons.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.