I had forum window opened since yesterday... now I see there is a second page smile

Noel, Dave, Tony,
thank you for taking a second look!

I have tried many (many!) ways, thinking it is related to audio settings or sound card or buffers. I tried internal / external interface. Asio card, Wasapi Exclusive, Asio4All. Running latencymon, disabling everything and recording in "airplane mode", recording live from computer to computer and some other weird approaches before posting here smile

I initially import WAVs from software arranger to DAW. They do not adhere to bars well by themselves. They start to drift after 4th bar... and I am not talking about jazz here. Silly Disco stuff that is pretty straight forward. Hopefully developer will keep his word and fixes tempo issues in his synth.

Tony, if developer fails, I think your approach is the easiest of all.

BIG thank you everybody.