we've been looking at what days of the month previous versions have been released on... but maybe that's not the right approach to sussing this out.

If you had been working hard for months getting ready to launch a new product , (knowing there will be questions and support issues, and things will get busy with shipping etc...) wouldn't you want a couple of days off before pressing your nose firmly against the grindstone? Launching on Saturday virtually guarantees that everybody would be working the weekend.

Going back to look at those links about previous releases, I noticed that two of them were launched on Tuesdays. Which makes sense, in a work week kind of way. That gives them the weekend off, after which pretty much the whole next week is spent blitzing the product.

Having said that, I'll be very surprised if we see a "It's here!" message today or tomorrow. My new guess is Monday Dec 3.


I might be wrong.