Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Dear Mr. Jane,

Thank you for submitting your song to our Nashville evaluation service.

First, you say that the song is called Nothing's Working Yet, but yet you start by talking about a martini made of gin. Why didn't you call the song Martini? You are not helping the listener find the hook. Also, no one knows what gin is. Is that a type of card game?

To make matters worse, you say Jesus is not listening to you so you stopped talking to him. Most people would say that if you get caught talking out loud to Jesus, you are crazy and need to be locked up. But you could put that in the bridge with your card game. Please listen to the radio more. They will show you how.

And what is all this about the devil's drink being a recipe? No one has ever seen a devil's drink in a recipe book Mr. Jane. How do you expect the listener to know what is going on?


Loved this song. One of my favorites.

I just had to go on a rampage there. Sorry. Nashville writers know why.

But don't give up on Jesus quite yet. He may be the only one around to help when the world finally DOES make you lose your mind.

Just sayin'.


Great song.

Now that right there is funny if it wasn't true. One of the main reasons I stopped sending songs to NSAI. David, I thought you had hacked my NSAI expired account. That had me going for a minute..... thought I was having a flashback to one of my reviews.


Hey, a great song that kinda grew on me as I was listening. Started out ... this is interesting.... then as it went on, I was a fan by the end. That's called drawing them in and converting them in 3 minutes.

You did a fine job as always on the song.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.