We are all affected by the issues of copyright, in one way or another. We have been, for years. It's just that things have heated up in recent years.
Information and facts are not easy for artists and other interested parties to come by. I think lawyers and legislators see this turf as their own, and would like to keep it that way. Enter the big "computer companies,' such as Google, Apple, IBM, Microsoft, and you have a mess.
I'm thrilled that composers can copyright Band-in-a-Box productions. In the Band-in-a-Box concept may lie one of the ultimate solutions to the dilemmas. I'm thinking of a Band-in-a-Box/Artificial Intelligence marriage, if it hasn't already occurred.
Which brings me to the point. Understanding copyright requires two early steps. First, understand music on the academic, even scientific, level. Two, make a list of all the competing interests, so that you will not just understand the pressures, but maybe come up with your own workarounds, Just as important, stay legal.
Hugh, have you considered getting some children together and knocking off your own version of those first minutes?

Link: www.soundcloud.com/ed_shaw (Feel Free to Use)
Biab for WIN 2020 -- Win 10 64bit -- Reaper/Audacity
Zoom R-16 -- Tascam DP-03-SD -- SoundTap -- Crescendo --