
The Inadequacies of your legal system are well known to most I suspect, but that in itself doesn't give anyone carte blanche to sidestep the law as it stands. The way to change it is to campaign for change. That's how the law evolves.

My 'diatribe' as you put it doesnt preclude the use of force and if you read it you would see that i'm not against self defence or even a pre-emptive strike in the case of being held captive and having to witness the extreme violence you mention. In an instance like that it would take a very hard-hearted jury or an extremely cynical and skilfull defence lawyer to successfully argue against mitigating circumstances.

Im only against the kind of indiscriminate use of force that can happen say when an intruder is making his escape having caused no physical harm or the kind of response that says any tresspass on one's property or home, armed or otherwise is grounds for killing someone. Is that so difficult a concept to take on board?

That's not pious equivocation, its called making a valid distinction



Last edited by alan S.; 12/20/09 07:12 PM.