
I stand corrected. There were 2 guys. My memory is getting fuzzy in my old age. I didn't follow the story, just heard about it a couple of times on the news.

I wouldn't have done what he did either, since it was his neighbors house, not his. But if it were my own home or family, then an intruder has picked a bad place to intrude.

I actually believe there would far less break ins and assaults if the crooks knew that the people inside were armed. Kind of like a playground bully, he won't pick on you if he knows you'll fight back. Here in WV, most homes have at least one gun. That's one of the reasons break ins with people at home are so rare. The last one I remember hearing about was 2 punks who broke in on a little old lady who lived alone because they thought she would be easy pickins'. Bad choice. She killed one and sent the other one running with a couple of slugs in him. After he got treated at the hospital, he got to enjoy the hospitality at the state pen.

Most of the other shootings here are drug related and many involve drug dealers from Detroit or Columbus coming here to sell their poison. These are far too common. And we also have our own homegrown meth heads who cook up their poison in a trailer up a hollow and violence goes hand in hand with that.

But as a rule, the ones who have to worry about getting shot by the good old boys are the deer! Not the general public.

And changing subjects, I hardly ever watch the news anymore since most of it is so depressing and ALL of the news networks have an agenda. Thing is, they always have had an agenda. But years ago there were so few news outlets and they all were in lockstep so it came down to which anchor you liked the best and the public bought the agenda because everyone said the same thing.

But if there's something major going on, then I go to Fox because at least I know I'm not going to be getting anti-American garbage.
