AlanS. said:"Yeah well maybe you should read the 6th commandment, 'thou shalt not kill' . Or why not try Jesus,.. 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Aren't you supposed to believe in that?

Yup. Absolutely. I've not killed a single person in my life so far. I also keep that 6th commandment in the forfront of my mind. But let's not twist the scriptures. There were a whole ton of commandements before the 10. Remember? Moses smashed those plates on the rocks. Then he had a bunch of people killed.

AlanS. said:Do you really need to 'take him out'? just because he steals your stuff? I'd think again about that one if I were you. Is damaging your property grounds for taking his life ?

Only if he don't stop when I tell him to. I'll also fire a warning shot so now he has a choice. Either stop or ... ya know. Ya see, American politicians have gotten soft on the law. They've changed it from law to a silly words and money game. Slap the drug dealer on the back of the hand, take all the money they can find from him, then turn him back out. The ones that have no money goto prison.

Well, Merry Christmas everyone. Hope it's the best for ya'll there ever was. And don't worry Alan. I promise not to shoot Santa Claus.

Anyday above ground is a good day

Computer is Hp Pavillion Vision
6 Ghz quad core AMD processor
8 Gig memory
1 TB hard drive
6 GB hard drive
Windows 7 Premium
Loose nut behind the keyboard laugh