Merry Christmas Sinbad,


Hey, nice to see you guys are still friends.

Swanman and I have had a few conversations on the PG forum and most of the time we've been in agreement. Just because we disagree about news channels or presidents doesn't mean that we can't be cyber friends. We've never met, but if we did I'd bet that we would slam a few beers and play a few tunes.

We all need to to get past the thinking that if we disagree, then we can't be friends.

That's what humanity is all about! We all are different. That's okay! Actually it's good. The world would be a really boring place if we were all the same.

We just need to accept each other and at times, we agree to disagree. It doesn't mean that we don't treat each other with respect.

So "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night".
