

I find it sad that people should feel so unsafe that they feel they must carry weapons, concealed or not. Although as you point out you don't carry it all the time, it still amazes me. In Europe this is unheard of. If as you say gun ownership is on the rise, then some questions as to how a society can spiral out of control like that are allowed.

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the criminals are going to have guns. Therefore it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the more law abiding citizens that have guns there are, the safer they are from the criminal element.

The last apartment I lived in with my son was so bad after dark that when my son came home at night, he would call ahead and I meet him outside to escort him into the apartment. And yes I was armed.

I also have a conceal and carry permit, but I rarely carry it, but if I know I'm going to be in a high crime area it will be with me.

Most American police will tell you that it's (unfortunately) your responsibility to protect yourself, and it's their responsibility to capture and prosecute the criminals after you've became a victim. I'd rather not be a victim.

And for your info, it's not the people with conceal and carry permits who are commiting gun crimes. The number of gun crimes commtied by these people is almost statistically %0.

If you want to read a related story, google info about a Texas congresswoman who did have a conceal and carry permit. She was meeting her parents at MacDonalds for lunch. She left her gun in the console of her car. An armed lunatic with an illegally obtained weapon came in and started killing people. Her parents were killed right in front of her eyes. She still regrets to this day that her parents, (and a lot of other people), might still be alive if she had kept her gun in her purse. I think he was killed by a citizen, but it may have been the cops. She's now a very strong advocate for our second ammendment rights and encourages law abiding citizens to get conceal and carry permits.

Stop judging a society that you clearly don't understand.
