I own guns, and have no problem with the idea of separation of church and state. But, since every coin the U.S. produces says 'In God We Trust', and the reason for moving here in the first place was to practice religious freedom, I think that we need to go back and see what 'separation of Church and State' really means.

In fact, what it truly means is that no Church or religious body shall be in a position of government. So, the local diocese of the Catholic Church is not going to be in the halls of Congress setting forth legislation. Of course, we all know that even religious organizations have political action committees, adherent followers, and outspoken lay people who will attempt to influence legislation and legislators, just as any other organization.

However, the concept was that the Church would not hold sway over the governing agencies, other religions, or such.

Things like prayers in school, the Ten Commandments being displayed in a court house, or other such trivial items are not what the First Article of the Constitution intended.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!