I too see this year's offering isn't much to upgrade to.
Sure there are many new styles and real tracks, but the vast majority from what I see is for jazz, old style country, waltz, and other not so common genres
(Campfire? Tango? Klezmer??, etc., etc.)

I have to say, in my case, about 50%, of the Real tracks and real styles are rarely, if ever, used and just taking up space in my hard drive.

How about offering Alternate versions of BIAB for specific styles? Something more or less custom made for individuals who only seek certain styles.
And without having to fully upgrade to whatever new version of BIAB that comes out lately. These new real tracks and real styles should work with Any previous BIAB versions that has Real tracks capability. And with various playback patterns to use as well.

For me, a BIAB version mainly for Pop and Rock (All Styles with several substyles too) and even Modern country/country rock would be ideal. Plus adding more up to date Top 40 styles would help, including modern R&B, Pop and Hip-hop grooves and beats.

There may be some people who Only want Jazz styles.
There may be some people who Only want Country styles.
There may be some people who Only want R&B/Hip-hop and Top 40 Pop real styles.
And, like me, there may be some people who Only want Pop and Rock Styles.

Personally I would want more Retro styles and sounds
(50s, 60s & 70s Rock and Pop styles), with more vintage sounding instruments, as I have a side project creating new 60's styles songs. Plus a couple of 50's styles songs as well. But I am limited to just a handful of tools to do more without songs sounding similar. For instance, Surf music, while you provided about 5 different surf drum styles, there are only 2 rhythm surf guitar RTs and just 1 RT surf guitar soloist (of which I was only able to use on 2 songs as it plays basically the same patterns). I would like to have more surf guitars and organs/piano instruments sounds. Especially a few more and different surf soloist guitars!

On a different musical spectrum, I would also want more variety to recreate the 80s New Wave and various dance-pop styles
as well as classic 80s Two-tone Ska styles.
To date I have been limited to create 3 or 4 songs in those styles as there aren't available RTs and real styles to do more without sounding repetitious. Maybe this could be a stand-alone variation of BIAB option in itself too. I'd buy it!

As a songwriter, I want to be able to create songs in a wide variety of rock and pop styles without sounding repetitious in how the finished song comes out sounding. Up to now I enjoyed BIAB since my first BIAB in 2005, and had upgraded every 2 years, currently on 2016, but which each new upgrade we are basically forced to buy in order to get new RTs and new styles to be able to use, we are getting a lot of "fillers" and not enough "meat" to fulfill our appetites.

Maybe PG Music should cater to people's individual needs and wants with separate Alternate versions of BIAB to specific styles people really want.

I was planning to upgrade to 2019 but like I mentioned, the majority of new items are ones I don't need, however some in the XtraPaks are. I don't understand why those are not included. If we are Upgrading, we should get ALL new Real tracks and Real styles. Not as separate purchases.

I do hope PG Music takes this suggestion into serious consideration.

Thank you