Originally Posted By: Deryk - PG Music
You did a great job on this, Scott. Love the guitar tones, you played it perfectly. Love the backing track choose too. It has a smoky, mysterious vibe to it which I liked. I think I speak for us in that we're glad you came back from your hiatus.

Great work and thanks for sharing smile

Thanks Derek. Was going for a bit of a different sound on this one. Thanks for listening.

Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Scott, not bad for first attempt after a "while"...
I am kidding, it is great!

P.S. The only thing, seems that guitar is peaking somewhat. It might be my ears or soundcloud...I do not know. I am not a pro, so can not recommend anything. My first attempt coming back after about 10 years of divorce from music making was not that nice smile

Thank you,

Thanks Misha for checking this out. Yes shutdown pretty much all of my effects on this one. I usually use a compression sustainer which smooths out my picking. I didn't use it on this one as I want to see what I could get out of the Marshall amp without pushing the tubes too hard. It did clip in a couple of places. Glad you liked the song. I actually redid the guitar parts this month but the backtrack was an old one.

Originally Posted By: dcuny
I couldn't tell a Gibson from a Strat, but it sounded good to me! smile

Thanks David for checking out the song. This SG is a bit of a wild unruly guitar. I think the pickups maybe overwound a bit as they really respond and go dark when pushed. thanks for checking out the song..

Scott Collingwood