With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore...... and everyone else for that matter.

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through our house,
Not a creature was moving, not even my mouse,
The presents were placed ‘neath the tree with much care,

My wife asked me weeks ago “What can I buy
You for Christmas – a new shirt, some shoes. Or a tie?”
I said “Don’t want undies, or hankies or socks,
I want the new upgrade for Band In A Box.”

She said “That’s alright, you can order and pay,
But remember – no opening until Christmas Day”
So my Band In A Box sits, wrapped under the tree,
But sometimes I’m sure that it’s calling to me.

“Come, come and play with me, I can do lots,
I can freeze tracks, I can do holds and shots,
I quickly load Real Tracks, there lots of undos,
With a heap of new styles – jazz, rock, folk & blues.”

But I’ve had my instructions from the long suffering wife,
“Don’t open till Christmas – or you’ll be in strife”

So here I sit patiently, till Christmas Day,
When I’ll tear off the wrapping, install it and play,
But don’t tell my missus, or there’ll be a fight,
I downloaded last week from the PGM site.

So I’ll have to pretend that it’s all very new,
And I’ll have to act puzzled, as I work my way through,
So while I anticipate joy and delight,
Merry Christmas from Oz, and to all a goodnight.
