Originally Posted By: RobH
So far people are having problems with Sonar, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Studio One, Acid, Reason, Reaper, Cubase, Protools. In general the problems seem to be that the VSTi:
1. Fails to load
2. Fails to generate the style to wav
3. Doesn’t generate Multiriff
4. Locks up the DAW
5. Has no sound on the audition

There have been several build patches, and each fixes one issue, but causes another issue. I hope tomorrow brings some good news regarding the fixes.

I don't understand how it keeps getting released with things that don't seem that hard to verify. I assume they are rushing but at this point I would strongly suggest just acknowledging the VST is a work in progress and say it will be a priority for January and then release it fully functional on January 31 or something like that.