Oh boy.... this can go off the tracks really fast.

.... subliminal stuff is everywhere. TV, movies, magazines, advertisements, music, ......

Devil worshiping Satanists love using this kind of thing. At least that's what we're supposed to believe.


The funny thing..... you can record this from their live concert movie (The Song remains the same) and still get a good part of that when played backwards.

Was it intentional? Did the devil make them do it? Does it even really matter?

I picked up a copy of US magazine many decades ago.... the S in US was part of the word SEX with the EX part being in the curls of the actress on the cover's hair.

You just gotta look to find this stuff. Too many examples to name.

As far as putting it in the music (my music) to make people like the music..... I'm thinking if you simply just learn how to write better songs, that problem takes care of itself. No amount of subliminal messaging will help Yoko Ono's Don't Worry song.... seriously. And it won't help your songs either. (not yours personally, but in a generic, plural sense of the word)

But just in case... it never hurts to try...... yenom em dnes.....

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.