If I was on the fence on this, I'd come down on the side of jazzmammal's Aunt!

We heard from quite a number of people over the last few years that wanted BIAB in 64 bit. But we have no idea of what percentage of users that was, only that they seemed to be the most vocal.

What if only (say) 10% of BIAB regular AND future customers required 64 bit?
Then BIAB developers have spend a goodly portion of this year working to please only them, at the possible expense of other features (bar limit, chords per bar limit, time sig limits).

If I needed a program that would do all that Pipeline needs, I would simply go buy a different program. Let BIAB do what it was intended to do, as has been stated. It's just a tool to help make music. If you need a screwdriver, why try to get the makers of a hammer to do that job for you?

Just my 2 cents (Cdn)!
Good luck!