Originally Posted By: Will Josef
Stefan! As always you deliver!

I find it hard to put words - that I have not used before - into this... it's just an amazing performance and a wonderful video. You are so extremely talented...

When you play that guitar solo it just feels so appropriate and timely... like you are really living the feel of the tune through your guitar. Amazing stuff!

I wish I had just 10% of your talent!

Looking very much forward to the 2019-productions from you!


Dear Will,

I think that you can imagine that you really made my day (week..., month...) with your extremely flattering words, and I want to thank you very much for them.

But I'm afraid that you overestimate me by far - I may have a little talent, but the rest is patience, lots of hours, days, weeks (and when it comes to the vids even months) and, I think most of all, sheer pleasure - I guess that you know what I mwean.

And you really shouldn't hide your light under a bushel, because it was you who created such an incredible thing like "Will Goes To Bollywood" - I would never be able to come up with such a thing. Not in ten years...

So I'm as well very much looking forward to what you will come up in the year ahead - I really liked to see, that Scandinavia is playing an increasing fine role in the forum.

Have a very happy New Year's Eve and all the best to you and your family for 2019 (and ever after, of course smirk )
