
I get that from time to time when I run Melodyne. The track looks and sounds good on playback but gets clipped on the render.

So.... to find it..... In CW.... simply freeze or apply the effects to one track at a time. It does the same thing as the render but does it in the tracks where you can now SEE where it's clipped.

It might be coming from the rendering of the multiple tracks at the same time.

The way I get around this in Melodyne is to go to the audio sections that are clipping and use the gain control function in AUDIO dropdown...... lower the original volume by -3dB and do a render. Check it.... undo and drop the gain as needed. Set your resolution and put markers there.... split the track if needed, to apply the gain to a limited area of the track. Look for the quiet areas in the phrasing.

Of course you can also simply envelope it out as well instead of the gain drop render repeat routine.

Anyway, I experimented to see what works and this worked for me on a few tunes. I have not figured out yet what is the root cause of this issue.

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You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.