Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Originally Posted By: 44kfl
Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Yeah, great groove!

Man, your vocals get me every time! Wish I could sing like that. Nice hearing you play some guitar in there too.

Good song, it definitely deserved to be born and would be worth spending some time on the mix too I think.


I think that I really like the raw energy feel and would be afraid that

if I re-recorded that it might clean up too much.

thanks for the kind words, would love to have you play guitar on something in the future

Yes, the feel is always the most important thing. I've got an old song, first one Chris and I did together actually, that badly needs a better mix but whenever I mess with it it loses the feel.

Sure, I would be happy to do a guitar track for you sometime.

I certainly understand that

I'll contact you and send a song soon (when I get over this cough/crud flu junk)